
Polygone 3D



Company Info

Having problems with Polygone 3D? Always consult the readme.txt file that comes with the game (found on the Start menu). Try checking these  tips to see if they can help.

Problems running the game ( E.g. D3D8.dll file not found):

Polygone 3D requires DirectX 8.0 or higher installed on your computer. This can be downloaded  from Microsoft by clicking HERE.  (If this link does not work try here).

Download Microsoft  DirectX 8.0a for Windows 95 and DirectX  9.0a or above for other windows operating systems. Full instructions on downloading and installing this are  on this website.

General Problems:

  • Check you have the latest drivers for  you video and sound card. Visit the manufacturers websites to  download their latest versions. Many problems are solved this  way.
  • Restart your machine, and ensure that  no unnecessary programs are also running.
  • Check this web site (www.OxideGames.com) for the latest version of the game (currently v1.0.7). You can find the version number in the enclosed readme.txt file and  when you select Quit in the game.
  • Ensure all your hardware is working under  DirectX. From the Start menu, select "Run..." and  type "dxdiag" and press OK. This starts a diagnostic  tool that will check that your machine is working correctly  with DirectX.
  • If the program seems to run very slowly  it may be because you do not have the required 16MB of video RAM. DXDiag can tell you how much memory your machine has (Under  the Display tab).
  • If the game runs but the controls do not seem to work, try pressing Alt+Tab once, or re-run the game.
  • Uninstall the game completely using the  icon in the Start Menu or through "Control Panel->Add  and Remove Programs". Reinstall the program and try again. If you have bought the product this will not lose your purchase  as long as it is on the same machine.

If you still have problems you can mail us at help@OxideGames.com



Oxide Software © 2002